Make a routine, have fun, repeat!

Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 002 / Segment: Eating Cake for Breakfast] Today, it’s bath time that I’m appreciating! What I really love about bath time is that it is a simple environment: just water and a few toys; but it can be so rich in language between parent and […]

Extreme Measures

Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 002 / Segment: Arghh] Today I wanted to discuss when parents are too extreme in dealing with their child’s sensitivities; letting these completely rule not only the special child’s life, but the entire family’s lives too.  Having a special child can mean they have a […]

To Scold or Not to Scold?

Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 002 / Segment: Special Q] A lot of parents ask me this question: ‘Can I scold my child?’ Whilst there is no definitive answer, I always encourage positive directives rather than telling your child off. Positive directives are where you tell your child what you […]


Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 001 / Segment: Arghh] Who remembers the fidget spinner craze that swept the nation as few months back? They were everywhere and the craze spread like wildfire! I get it, one child has one and then another child wants it too and before you know […]

Eating Cake for Breakfast

Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 001 / Segment: Eating Cake for Breakfast] Professor Rhea Paul and I recently completed series 1 of our podcast, Let’s Talk about Super Special Kids and Cake. One of the segments in the podcast is called ‘Eating Cake for Breakfast’ and in today’s post, I […]