If you put in the search word ‘Autism’ or ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’ depending upon the search engine you use, anything between 14 to three million hits will appear. If you are the parent of newly diagnosed child with Autism it is an overwhelming task to sieve through this information. What criteria can you use to help you decide whether or not the sources are accurate, authentic and valid? Some websites can be extremely useful and include both valid and relevant information while others can be misleading leading to even more confusion. When searching here are some considerations or questions which can help you in your search:
1. Who has authored the site? Parents? Clinicians? An organization?
2. Is it a .org, .gov or .com?
3. How recent is the information and how often is it updated?
4. Is there a charge for using the site?
5. Who advertises on this site?
6. Are the recommendations anecdotal or based on evidence based practice and research?
The comments that follow are from teachers and clinicians who have reviewed different ASD websites.