Why Are You So Sad?

Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 005 / Segment: Special Q] The other day a mum asked me “Why has my son become so upset at seeing an unfamiliar adult? What strategies can I use to combat this?”. This question isn’t uncommon and I think the suggestions below are really useful […]

Communication Training for Toddlers with ASD

There is a significant difference between talking and communication. As most of us know, the inability to use speech does not preclude the ability to be understood by others. Sign language, body language, pictures, all facilitate non-verbal communication and these can provide an opportunity to work towards increasing and encouraging vocalization in toddlers with ASD. […]

White Noise

Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids & Cake Podcast [Episode 005 / Segment: Super Special Topic] In the simplest of terms, speech is the way in which a person produces and pronounces language. For some special children however, all this talking can just seem like a whole lot of noise that they cannot decipher. When […]